Welcome to the home of the

Ibiza Beach Rugby Festival! 

Ibiza Rugby Club and Torreinsanas are our 11th Edition Beach Rugby Champions!

The girls of ¨Torreinsanas¨ from Madrid are our ladies champions for 2024, who were the last editons winners and defended their title so well, with Daniela, their MVP player of the tournament, at 18 years of age, really standing out.

In the mens category, Ibiza Rugby Club, who after a few years missing from the tournament returned this year beating our first ever Italian team, Chieri Rugby, in a tight final where Ibiza´s MVP was Lucas, a right handful from Mongolia.


The level of rugby and respect from all teams in this years event was superb, with everybody determined to have a great weekend..  This years tournament had teams from Wales, England, Scotland, Italy, Spain, with invitational players from Holland, Germany, Australia and Tonga.

This is why we do this, this is amateur rugby at it´s best, with teams from so many countries, all coming together to play rugby and then let their hair down, this is what it´s all about!

XII Ibiza Beach Rugby Festival on

Saturday 10th of May 2025!

The 12th edition of the Ibiza Beach Rugby Festival will be held on Saturday the 10th of May 2025.

There´s no better way to celebrate a rugby tour than a weekend on the beach in Ibiza.

The tournament is on sale from June 1st 2024, places are limited and this tournament is very popular!  
There is always an amazing amount of interest from teams all over Europe asking about our  tournament already. We are always sold out.., with teams booking early to avoid being left out, even after changing the format to accomodate more teams than ever!
With some teams all ready pre-booked and enquiring from Holland, Wales, England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Spain, France and Germany and Dubai, this promises to be a sell out as always and quick!
All tour packages for May 2025 are now on the website for you to see, just click on this link for more information..

Quick news...


Some teams are late getting back to us as our reply may fall into your spam folder for some reason.. Please check it as we are coming to a vital part of the year for hotel reservations!

Official Video - XI Ibiza Beach Rugby Festival 2024

Videos from past editions..

Here is a link to the videos of all our past editions of the Ibiza Beach Rugby Festival
